See below for frequently asked questions or download our application guide.

Charitable organizations that serve Tippecanoe County and the surrounding counties are eligible to apply for grants. Most of our grants are awarded to organizations that are located in and serve Tippecanoe County.

Complete the grant application in its entirety and submit by the posted deadline.

The community grants typically fund capital items. Start-up projects or programs are also eligible. The field of interest grants can be used for capital or program expenses.

The Community Foundation generally does not use grant funds for:

  • Endowments
  • Individuals
  • Ongoing operating expenses
  • Religious institutions
  • Political organizations or candidates
  • Programs or capital projects already completed
  • Sponsorships

The Community Foundation has three funding cycles.

  • Spring – Proposals requesting more than $10,000
  • Fall – Proposals requesting more than $10,000
  • NOW – Proposals requesting less than $10,000

We also have a category called Field of Interest. These grants are used to fund those requests that align with a specific purpose. (literacy, community beautification, etc)

All of our grant applications are reviewed by staff members to ensure they are eligible and that the proposal is complete. An incomplete proposal will not be submitted for review. If your application is complete and the requested item meets our guidelines, the grant application is passed onto the Grants Committee.

The Community Foundation Grants Committee consists of local business and community leaders who have expertise in a variety of areas.

The Grants Committee takes many criteria into consideration when reviewing grant applications. Some of them include:

  • Has the organization partnered with any other organization to fund the project?
  • Will the funding of this grant significantly impact the Greater Lafayette community?
  • What community needs does this project address?
  • Does the proposal meet one of our six priority areas?
  • Will the organization be able to sustain the requested project?
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Education
  • Environment and Animals
  • Health
  • Human Services
  • Public Society/Benefit

You will generally hear back from us within 4 weeks after the deadline. You will receive either an “approval” or “decline” letter in the mail.

There are many reasons a proposal might get declined, but the biggest reason is that we receive many more requests than grant monies are available. Increased need and reduced funding in our community have made the process even more competitive.