When you click to apply for your first scholarship, you will need to set up an account as a new applicant with a username and password. Keep this information handy, as you will use it every time you go back to revise or submit. The email address you provide will also be our primary point of contact for any questions, announcements, or new opportunities. We will not use your email address for any other purpose than that of the Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette scholarship communication.

When returning to an already started application, you must use the in-progress application link. This can also be found by clicking on the HOW TO APPLY/DEADLINE link on the side of this page.

The requests to your recommender will all be done electronically as part of the application. You are responsible for entering the recommender’s first and last name and email address. It is your responsibility to make sure appraisal forms are submitted prior to the deadline (you may see the status of these requests by viewing your in-progress application). You are unable to submit your application until all applicant appraisals are uploaded. When you fill in the information, an email will be immediately sent to the email address provided for the recommending individual. We strongly suggest that you notify your recommender that they will receive an email from info@inspiringgreater.org requesting their response.

The Community Foundation uses a single application process. You will be considered for all Foundation scholarship opportunities when applying.

Our scholarship award announcements are made in December each year. All other scholarship award announcements are made in April each year.

The scholarships are for educational expenses including tuition, required class fees, and university housing expenses at an accredited educational institution.

To redeem your scholarship, you must sign and submit the scholarship agreement form you received with your notification along with a final tuition statement to The Foundation. Statements that say “estimated financial aid” will not be accepted. Final statements are typically available one month prior to the start of each semester. Your scholarship may cover tuition, fees, or university housing. You may carry scholarship balances over up to 4 years if the full amount is not needed in the first year.

The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette will make scholarship payments to the college or university you are attending. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the funds to be reflected in your school account.